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The Projector
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The work to win a championship does not begin at the end of the just played Strat season.  It begins with the beginning of a real MLB season.  If you don’t have time to constantly check MLB stats to see which free agents you should claim, or who a good trade target for next years Strat season would be, or how the league is stacking up for next year, let Projector make the chore magnitudes easier.
Right now your competition is scanning MLB stats to see who they can claim off the waiver wire cheaply with a big impact on next year.  You tell projector who’s on your league’s waiver wire and projector will tell you immediately how they’re doing.  The same for rookies, it’ll keep track of the new players for you.  You’ll know as soon as you want and be updated as often as you wish of all the player stats, team projections and league analysis.
All the stats and projections are displayed on your browser’s screen.  For those who want to see more in-depth data or run they’re own analysis Projector offers an easy statistics download straight to your machine.”

Download current MLB Stats to your computer.

The Projector MLB stats contain advanced left/right data for hitters and pitchers.


The Projector lets you analyze current MLB statistical data by a variety of advanced measures, including runs created and runs allowed.

The Projector offers current Strat card projections for every player. The card projections also include positions eligible for the upcoming set.

The "League Analysis" tool lets you know how you rank or stack up against your draft league competition. See how your hitters, rotation, and relievers compare to other teams in your league.

This powerful tool tells you where you stand above the competition and where you might need to add quality via trades or the draft.

The Projector is the ultimate tool for keeping ahead of the competition. Know how your draft league team is shaping up for next year. This will give you a competitive edge over the competition when it comes to making trades for next year.


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